All Sessions are Mobile - Serving the Greater Kansas City Metro Area

We bring the convenience and luxury of a customized massage treatment right to the comfort of your own home. With our mobile service, there's no need to sit in a waiting room or take time off from work or away from your loved ones. Our therapeutic massages are designed to reduce stress, alleviate muscle tension, boost energy levels, alleviate headaches, improve circulation, and even promote better sleep. Let our convenient mobile service bring the healing touch directly to you!


Relaxation Massage

A relaxation massage is an experience designed to soothe the body and mind. The massage is slow, gentle and rhythmic, using light to medium pressure to stimulate the circulation of blood throughout the body. This type of massage helps to reduce tension, ease stress, and increase flexibility and range of motion. Benefits from this massage include improved mood, reduced fatigue, enhanced mental clarity, and improved sleep quality. Additionally, it can help to decrease symptoms of anxiety or depression, improve joint health and mobility, boost immunity levels, relieve headaches and muscle tension. All these effects come together to provide a feeling of deep relaxation that will leave you feeling energized and refreshed.

60min - $120

90min - $170

120min - $220

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders. The pressure during a deep tissue massage may be more intense than that of a relaxation massage, but it should still be comfortable and relaxing. During the massage, the therapist typically utilizes kneading, tapping, deep circular movements, vibration and passive stretching to address any underlying muscle tension. The experience often results in improved circulation, increased flexibility, decreased pain levels and emotional release. Benefits of regular deep tissue massage include improved posture, stress reduction, enhanced sleep quality and reduced muscle fatigue.

60min - $120

90min - $170

120min - $220

Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage is a special type of massage therapy tailored specifically to the needs of pregnant women. This therapeutic massage uses techniques that are adapted to the specific changes that occur in the body during pregnancy. This specialized treatment helps to reduce stress, promote relaxation and overall wellbeing for the expecting mother. Benefits of prenatal massage can include relief from aches and pains associated with the extra weight of pregnancy, improved sleep patterns, increased circulation and lower levels of stress hormones in the body. Additionally, prenatal massage may help improve labor outcomes by decreasing pain levels, helping women cope with contractions, promoting relaxation and reducing swelling in certain areas. Prenatal massage can provide comfort and relief throughout each stage of your pregnancy journey!

60min - $120

90min - $170

Couples Massage

Enjoy the ultimate indulgence and relaxation with a couples massage. A couples massage allows you and your special someone to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of massage therapy together in a shared space. This experience is perfect for quality time with your partner, best friend, or even family members. With two therapists providing side-by-side massages, both you and your partner can receive individual attention while connecting through the intimate shared experience. Together, you can experience increased relaxation, improved sleep quality, decreased anxiety levels, and more. Give yourself and your partner the ultimate gift: an unforgettable couples massage!

60min - $260

90min - $360

120min - $460

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on technique used to evaluate and enhance the function of the craniosacral system. The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord.

The therapist uses a light touch to palpate your body for restrictions in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which can cause health problems if not addressed. Through manual manipulations and gentle stretching techniques, your body's ability to relax deeply is encouraged, while tensions within the body are released.

The overall experience of CST is profoundly relaxing, allowing your entire system to come into balance while reducing pain and dysfunction. Benefits may include improved moods, enhanced well-being, improved concentration and greater clarity in decision making.

60min - $120

90min - $170

120min - $220

Chair Massage Events

Chair massage is the perfect way to provide stress relief and relaxation for any event. Our chair massage service provides an easy, convenient way to deliver professional massages without taking up too much time or space. Our massage therapists will set up chairs in a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere where guests can receive quick neck, shoulder, and back massages tailored to their individual needs. These therapeutic massages offer a number of benefits, such as increased circulation, improved mental clarity and concentration, reduction of stress and tension headaches, as well as relief from muscular discomfort. Guests are sure to leave feeling relaxed and energized!

$120/hr per therapist plus $20 coordination fee

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